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간편하고 맛있는 홈메이드 스낵 레시피 1. 소재 선택 간편하고 맛있는 홈메이드 스낵을 만들기 위한 첫 번째 단계는 소재 선택입니다. 이는 스낵의 맛과 영양성을 결정짓는 중요한 요소입니다. 1.1 고르기 쉬운 신선한 재료: 신선한 재료는 스낵의 맛을 높여줍니다. 과일이나 채소를 활용할 때에는 계절에 맞는 신선한 것을 선택하는 것이 좋습니다. 예를 들어, 여름에는 수박이나 딸기를 활용하여 상큼한 스낵을 만들 수 있습니다. 겨울에는 사과나 배 등의 과일을 활용할 수 있습니다. 또한, 온라인이나 현지 시장에서 쉽게 구할 수 있는 재료를 선택하여 고르는 것이 중요합니다. 1.2 다양한 맛과 영양소 고려: 스낵은 맛뿐만 아니라 영양도 고려되어야 합니다. 다양한 종류의 식재료를 활용하여 영양소를 균형있게 섭취할 수 있도록 합니다. 예를 들어, 견과류는 .. 2024. 2. 21.
“I hid my lottery winnings and did not pay overdue taxes”… This year’s collection of large amounts and habitual delinquencies is ‘highest ever’. “I hid my lottery winnings and did not pay overdue taxes”… This year’s collection of large amounts and habitual delinquencies is ‘highest ever’. This year, it was found that 2.8 trillion won, the highest ever, was collected through a follow-up investigation of large and habitual delinquents. There were also delinquents who hid their lottery winnings or concealed their income with virtual assets... 2024. 1. 2.
“Emergency room collapse has already begun”… There is a huge shortage of emergency medicine residents next year. “Emergency room collapse has already begun”… There is a huge shortage of emergency medicine residents next year. The emergency medicine residency rate in the first half of next year has fallen to the lowest among all recruitment departments. As the application rate plummeted every year, it ranked third after pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology, which were previously overwhelmingly avoided s.. 2024. 1. 2.
Apartment prices nationwide fall for 5 weeks in a row... Seoul also finished on a downward note. Apartment prices nationwide fall for 5 weeks in a row... Seoul also finished on a downward note. Apartment sales prices nationwide have fallen for five consecutive weeks. Seoul showed a downward trend in 24 autonomous districts excluding Gwangjin-gu. Jeonse prices continued to rise, but the rate of increase decreased. According to the 'Weekly Apartment Price Trends' announced by the Korea Real E.. 2024. 1. 2.